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B i o g r a p h y

I am from a Senegalese griot family. A griot is a messenger who pass on information about important things happening around them through songs.

In the old days they were like the daily newspaper and still today serve a very important role as storytellers and messengers in an oral tradition.

We know many things about the past because of the griots. They have kept the history alive and preserved for centuries by passing on their songs from generation to generation. The griot tradition runs in the family; it is passed on from parents or grandparents to the next generation. ​

I learned to play kora in Senegal, from my family. All men in my family play kora. I started to play when I was a child but stopped. However, after some years I took it up again.

It is vital for me to play because it is part of my heritage, passed down from my father and from my family for generations.


Today I live in Sweden and am continuing to develop my music.  I am always playing and making music. It is my life, who I am.


I enjoy playing with other musicians to broaden my horizon. It doesn't matter which instrument or what style of music it is – musicians with open hearts always share a common language.

I think music is something that is good for us on a personal level. It can be used to calm, soothe, cheer you up or just help you relax.


I hope you will enjoy my music!



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